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Sexual Wellness

It is about feeling aligned in your connection to pleasure, sexuality & your bodies wants & needs. It refers to the quality of your physical, emotional & mental state when it comes to sex, intimacy & when connecting with yourself or others. This includes being free from fear, shame, and guilt associated with sexual expression, as well as having healthy relationships, communication, and consent. Sexual wellness involves understanding and embracing your own desires, preferences, and boundaries, as well as respecting those of others.


Intimacy is a critical aspect of all relationships, not just those that are romantic or sexual in nature. It is not something that can be easily attained or lost; rather, it requires effort and time to foster and develop. Intimacy is the manifestation of presence and intention within the ongoing development of genuine connections. Various types of intimacy can be explored, including the emotional, physical, sexual, spiritual, experiential, and intellectual.


Human connection is the sense of closeness & belonging felt when both parties feel seen, heard & valued. Connection require a non-judgmental attitude & building a deep sense of trust. Authentically connecting should have you to feeling nourished, recharged or at peace after engaging with someone.


Pleasure is an important aspect of our lives as it can serve to motivate us to engage in activities that are beneficial for our lives, both physically & emotionally. Self-care is crucial for promoting sexual wellness & ensuring a pleasurable and fulfilling sex life. Pleasure embodiment & intentional self-care practices can improve sexual health, relationships, & overall well-being.

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Photo of diverse couple with man in wheelchair and woman standing behind in an intimate embrace. Text overlay indicates the featured blog post of five podcast episodes on pleasure, disability and abelism that will change the way you think about sex.